
Cefore Tools

The following is a summary the tools in the Cefore package. If cefnetd is launched with the “-d config_file_dir” and “-p port_num” options, specify these startup options for the cefnetd you want to communicate with.

1. cefputfile

cefputfile is a tool that converts a specified file into a content object with a specified URI and transfers the file to cefnetd.

cefputfile uri -f path [-b block_size] [-r rate] [-e expiry] [-t cache_time] [-d config_file_dir] [-p port_num] [-v valid_algo]

If the “-f” option is omitted, the last name of the specified URI becomes the input file name. For example, “cefputfile ccnx:/foo/bar/a.txt” has the same effect as the command with “-f a.txt” in the current directory where the cefputfile is executed.

Parameter Description
uri URI. This parameter cannot be ommited.
path Path to the file you enter. This parameter cannot be omitted.
block_size Max length of the payload of Content Object (Byte)
Range: 60 <= block_size <= 57344 (default: 1024)
rate Transfer rate from cefputfile to cefnetd (Mbps)
Range: 0.001 <= rate <= 10240.000 (default: 5)
You can specify up to three decimal places and ignore values less than three decimal places.
expiry Content Object lifetime (second). (Current time + expiry) is the effective time.
Range: 1 <= expiry <= 86400 (default: 3600)
cache_time The number of seconds after which Content Object is cached before it is deleted.
Range: 1 <= cache_time <= 65535 (default: 300)
valid_alg Validation Algorithm added to the message. If it is omitted, validation won’t be added. Specify either rsa-sha256 or crc32c when used.

2. cefgetfile

cefgetfile is a tool that outputs the content of the specified URI from cefnetd. Enter Ctrl + C to exit. It will also exit automatically if more than two seconds have elapsed since the last content object was received. If you want to retrieve content on your cefgetfile, you must have already cached the content in a cache on your network.

cefgetfile uri -f file [-o] [-m chunk] [-s pipeline] [-d config_file_dir] [-p port_num] [-v valid_algo]

If the “-f” option is omitted, the last name of the specified URI becomes the input file name. For example, “cefgetfile ccnx:/foo/bar/a.txt” has the same effect as the command with “-f a.txt” in the current directory where the cefgetfile is executed.

Parameter Description
uri URI. This parameter cannot be ommited.
path Path to the file you enter. This parameter cannot be omitted.
-o Retrieve content from the publisher’s cache instead of from the transit router’s cache. If the publisher is unknown (for example, the route is disconnected or the publisher is down), content cannot be retrieved.
chunk Specify the number of chunks to get. The application terminates when it receives the specified number of chunks.
pipeline Specify the number of pipelines when sending interest. The default value is 4.
cache_time The number of seconds after which Content Object is cached before it is deleted.
Range: 1 <= cache_time <= 65535 (default: 300)
valid_alg Validation Algorithm added to the message. If it is omitted, validation won’t be added. Specify either rsa-sha256 or crc32c when used.

If content was successfully downloaded with cefgetfile, “Complete” is displayed as shown in bold characters below. When “Incomplete” is displayed, a packet loss has occurred and there are chunks that could not be retrieved. Even though the interest was retransmitted, the content download was interrupted. The “Duration” output is specified to three decimal places (rounded up to four decimal places). The “Throughput” is calculated in real time, and the fractional part is truncated

3. cefgetchunk

cefgetchunk tool retrieves the content object and chunk number specified in the parameters. The payload of the retrieved content object is STDOUT. This command automatically terminates if the specified content object cannot be retrieved within three seconds of input.

cefgetchunk uri -c chunknum [-d config_file_dir] [-p port_num]

Parameter Description
uri URI. This parameter cannot be ommited.
chunknum Specify the chunk number of the Content Object you want to retrieve. This parameter cannot be omitted.

4. cefputstream

cefputstream is a tool that converts stream content in STDIN into a content object with a specified URI and inputs it into cefnetd. Enter Ctrl-C to exit.

cefputstream uri [-b block_size] [-r rate] [-e expiry] [-t cache_time] [-d config_file_dir] [-p port_num] [-v valid_algo]

Parameter Description
uri URI. This parameter cannot be ommited.
block_size Max length of the payload of Content Object (Byte)
Range: 60 <= block_size <= 57344 (default: 1024)
rate Transfer rate from cefputstream to cefnetd (Mbps)
Range: 1 <= rate <= 32 (default: 5)
expiry Content Object lifetime (second). (Current time + expiry) is the effective time.
Range: 0 <= expiry <= 86400 (default: 0)
cache_time The number of seconds after which Content Object is cached before it is deleted.
Range: 1 <= cache_time <= 65535 (default: 0)
valid_alg Validation Algorithm added to the message. If it is omitted, validation won’t be added. Specify either rsa-sha256 or crc32c when used.

5. cefgetstream

cefgetstream is a tool that shows the stream content of the specified URI retrieved from cefnetd. Enter Ctrl-C to exit.

cefgetstream uri [-o] [-m chunk] [-s pipeline] [-d config_file_dir] [-p port_num] [-z lifetime] [-v valid_algo]

Parameter Description
uri URI. This parameter cannot be ommited.
-o Retrieve content from the publisher’s cache instead of from the transit router’s cache. If the publisher is unknown (for example, the route is disconnected or the publisher is down), content cannot be retrieved.
chunk Specify the number of chunks to get. The application terminates when it receives the specified number of chunks.
pipeline Specify the number of pipelines when sending interest (default: 4).
lifetime Specify lifetime interval inserted in Symbolic Interest (default: 4).
If this value is bigger than the value configured in cefnetd, it will be ignored, and the value configured in cefnetd will be used.
valid_alg Validation Algorithm added to the message. If it is omitted, validation won’t be added. Specify either rsa-sha256 or crc32c when used.

6. cefinfo

cefinfo is a tool that identifies the cefnetd that caches the content for a specified prefix. cefinfo is known as CCNinfo whose specification is described in IRTF RFC 9344. It is possible to identify the responder (i.e., caching node) and to measure the RTT between the cefinfo performer and the respondents. Note that althourh the RTT is accurate, the latency between each cefnetd on the path is not accurate if the time on each cefnetd is not synchronized. If you start cefnetd with the “-d config_file_dir” and “-p port_num” options, you must specify the same startup options.

cefinfo name_prefix [-c] [-o] [-f] [-r hop_count] [-s skip_hop] [-d config_file_dir] [-p port_num] [-V]

Parameter Description
name_prefix Prefix of the content to be checked. This prefix is set to the name of the cefinfo request. Matching between the name and the cache of the content is a partial match, and matching between the name and the FIB is a longest match
-c Specify this option if the cefinfo user requires the cache information and RTT between the cefinfo user and the content forwarder.
-f This option enables “full discovery request”, in which the router ignores the forwarding strategies and sends the cefinfo request to multiple upstream routers simultaneously. The cefinfo user can then retrieve all potential forwarding paths. Note that this requires all upstream routers allowing the full discovery requests by setting up the CCNINFO_FULL_DISCOVERY configuration.
hop_count The max number of traced routers (default: 32). For example, when the cefinfo user invokes the command with this option, such as “-r 3”, only three routers along the path examine their path and cache information.
Range: 1 <= hop_limit <= 255
skip_count The number of skipped routers (default: 0). For example, when the cefinfo user invokes the command with this option, such as “-s 3”, three upstream routers along the path only forward the Request message but do not append their Report blocks in the hop-by-hop header and do not send Reply messages despite having the corresponding cache.
Range: 0 <= hop_limit <= 15

cefinfo terminates when a single reply message is given back (the default behavior) or the process after the timeout value defined as CCNINFO_REPLY_TIMEOUT has elapsed (the full discovery behavior). When a response is received, the reply content is shown to the standard output as follows.

cefinfo to name_prefix with HopLimit=hop_limit, SkipHopCount=skip_hop, Flag=flag and Request ID=RequestID

response from Responder: Result, time=Rtt ms

route information:
 1 Forwarder-1    Delay ms
 2 Forwarder-2    Delay ms
 N Responder    Delay ms

cache information:  prefix  size  cobs  interests  start-end  lifetime  expire
 1 cache inforemation-1
 2 cache inforemation-2
 N cache information-N